Creativity and ToP

2013 Team Members:

Ann Epps, lead
Dennis Jennings,Cheryl Kartes, Cherie Lockett, Matt Rezac, Marti Roach, Eunice Shankland:

2013 Accomplishments:

2013 Year End Report docx

3-Hour Facilitation for Innovation Workshop presented in Durham ToP gathering Jan 2013 by team members and at IAF NA conference in Orlando, June 2013 by Cheryl and Ann

Facilitation for Innovation workshop approved as potential ToP course to be vetted by Methods Modules & Magic (MMM) Curriculum team, June, 2013 (Eunice and Ann at MMM retreat)

One-day Inspiring Creativity course developed for Jan 2014 ToP Annual Gathering  by Cheryl, Cherie, Eunice, Marti, and Ann based on research and work done by the larger ‘ToP and Creativity Team meeting from 2011-2012

January 2011 concept introduction by Matt Rezac:  docx

I am seeking partners to spend 1-2 years on a design team to explore development of a new workshop for facilitators, tentatively titled “Creativity of ToP”.  This new workshop would seek to translate and apply emerging creativity research through ToP facilitation skills and methods.  At the ToP Network annual meeting in San Antonio, I will host an open space session to “officially” introduce and launch work on this concept.


  • List of Team Members docx

Minutes and Reports

2012  Gathering:

  • 2012 Creativity--Innovation--ToP "Market"--Self Assessment pdf
  • 2012 Creativity Pathway -- Using a New Context pdf
  • 2012 Brainstorming Insights pdf


 ToP and Creativity Circle