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Emerging Full Schedule(All times are Pacific Standard Time)
7:00 am Trainer Meetup for Apprentice, Mentor, Qualified ToP trainers
2:00 pm Adjourn
Thursday Feb 20
7:00 am Gathering Opening Plenary 9:00 am Networking Break
10:00 am Gathering Workshops - 6 to choose from
12:00 pm Networking Break
1:00 pm Gathering Workshops - 5 to choose from
3:15 pm Closing Reflection & Celebration
4:00 pm Adjourn
Friday Feb 21
7:00 am ToP Network Strategic Planning
Welcome & Introductions
Overview of Strategic Planning Process
7:30 am Preparing Ourselves for Strategic Planning
8:30 am Break
9:00 am Practical Vision Workshop: What do we want to see in place in 3-5 years as a result of our actions?
12:00 pm Break
1:00 pm Underlying Contradictions Workshop: What is blocking us from moving toward our vision?
4:00 pm Adjourn
Saturday Feb 22
7:00 am ToP Network Strategic Planning
8:00 am Strategic Directions Workshop: What innovative, substantial actions will deal with the underlying contradictions and move us toward our vision?
11:00 am Break
12:00 pm Wrap Up & Next Steps
1:00 pm Adjourn
Gathering Workshop Topics Include:
Build Connections on the Whova AppWe are using the Whova platform to post the schedule and provide opportunities for networking among participants. You'll be provided information on how to install and use the Whova app in advance of the Gathering. Here's what you can do on Whova: