2013 ToP Network Annual Gathering

Durham   January 11-14, 2013   


  • Program at a Glance    pdf        
  • 2013 Gathering summary  Word

Business Meeting:

  • Business Meeting Minutes  docx   
  • Financial Statements  pdf    

Program and Host Teams:

Program Team:Heidi Wilson, Ann Epps, Deb Burnight, Heidi Kolbe, Dawn Newman, Judy Weddle

Host Team:Elaine Stover, Mayme Webb-Bledsoe, Chantelle Fisher-Borne

Action Teams: 

Community Development Resources Development Team: Hold community development course; develop mini resource kit and engage in action learning projects each quarter    Word

Community of Practice Team: Create a complete system of registrars, trainers and members for the four state region including Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Washington, DC   Word

Creativity and ToP: Document the integration of creativity approaches and principles in at least 2 ToP Courses   Word

Customer Fulfillment: Implement and uses a website to support ToP trainers and registrars in the management of all ToP course registration.  Word

Marketing – Proclaiming ToP Impact and Credibility: Develop comprehensive marketing plan for ToP   Word

Methods Modules Magic  (Formerly ToP Trainers and Curriculum Team):  Redesign the approach to accessing and teaching the basics of ToP   Word  pdf  pdf

On Line Resource Kit:  Develop resource kit, ToP class list and post online. Word

Professional Development-Certification:   Organize a robust collection of professional development tools and resources on website for post-CTF  Word

Public Health in ToP (PHiT):    Develop “sticky” marketing materials  Word

ToP Cares:  (Formerly Membership Team):  Have a vibrant communication system in place and in use  Word

Book Charting:

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, 2007, Chip Heath (Author), Dan Heath (Author)     

Facilitating with Heart: Awakening Personal Transformation and Social Change, 2010, Martha Lasley (Author), Charting Leader, Cheryl Kartes

Leadership Mastery: How to Challenge Yourself and Others to Greatness, 2009, Dale Carnegie Training (Author)


Gathering Templates:

Session - Meeting request form   Word



Gathering design planning June 2012  pptx  

Board Trend Analysis for Meeting Design  docx

Marketing the gathering  docx

Case Studies:

Walking tour of the Lyon Park area led by Mayme Webb-Bledsoe and Elaine Stover presented a living example of a multi-year project to create a vibrant and engaging place to live. ToP methods and facilitators have been critical in enabling the neighborhood consensus that gave concrete form to the community's vision and voice.

In addition to seeing new housing reflecting community tastes, experiencing a remarkable community center and learning about growing business opportunities, tour participants were treated to a brief narrative about the area's history.  One particular image to remember is a mural commemorating the work of Pauli Murray, a remarkable leader from this community,  The Pauli Murray quote appearing beneath this mural is:

“True emancipation lies in the acceptance of the whole past, in deriving strength from all my roots, in facing up to the degradation as well as the dignity of my ancestors.”

 Post Gathering Sessions:

  • Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountains
  • Power of Image Shift
  • ToP Secrets of Implementation

Post Gathering contributions: 

  • Group Creativity Collaboration Facilitation Workshop - Larry Philbrook ppt
  • Taiwan's approach to developing a facilitator -- Larry Philbroook  ppt

Special Features:

Business Life Cycle - Deb Burnight, Barbara MacKay, Carole Rylander and Susan Saunders facilitated the exploration of Start-up, Growth, Expansion, Maturity and Transition stages of facilitators small businesses through successive rounds of table discussions.   pdf 

Creativity and ToP - The challenge question, “How can we expose one million people to the excitement and impact of ToP methods over the next 12 months?”, yielded instructive insights.   Word

Curriculum Update - Brainstorming session on changes needed in current courses, emergent themes calling for new courses, issues for new course introduction, distinguishing features of ToP courses, and creative ways to work collectively in developing new courses.  Word   Overview and current status of ToP courses Word

Two discussions on ToP in Public Health shared:

  • How the Iowa Public Health department and the National Association of City and County Health Organizations are using ToP methods to facilitate community input into health initiatives and policy development.
  • The efforts of the University South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health, to build a toolkit of ToP facilitation tools for use in Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plans in that state.


If you have information or correction for this page, please share it with us.  Just email your name. the information and/or documents to be added / corrected to [email protected].


Sessions featured ToP in Public Health, Business Life Cycle, World Cafe exchanges and a focus on creativity and ToP.  Complementing these was a  Saturday afternoon tour of the Lyon Park neighborhood and discussion of the ToP methods infused community development work over the past 15 years.