ToP Network

ToP Network (ToPN) is a membership-based association that connects and supports ToP practitioners to improve and expand the use of Technology of Participation (ToP) methods in facilitation.

Membership opens the door to ToPN's extensive features and benefits.

  • Connects practitioners for support, innovation, cooperation, and professional development
  • Provides resources, tools, and technical assistance
  • Offers learning opportunities through online sessions, certification, professional development series, and an Annual Gathering
  • Supports research and evaluation of ToP facilitation methods
  • Advocates for the use of ToP methods and ToP-trained facilitators

Learn more about membership benefits

New member categories and rates:

  • Facilitator Member $125:  (ToP Practitioner)
  • ToP Trainer Member $125:  (Qualified Trainer, Mentor Trainer, Apprentice)
  • Student Member $50:  (High School or University Student)
  • Emeritus Member $25:  (Retired Practitioner or Trainer)


ToP Connections

Click here for the latest issue

Certified ToP Facilitators

Are you looking for a facilitator who can facilitate your meetings, group sessions, strategic planning events and more? Check out the list of Certified ToP Facilitators.  These individuals participated in a rigorous 1-2 year program where they honed their facilitation skills, facilitated many group convening's and developed an extensive portfolio.  They will bring an unmatched level of experience and expertise to your online or in person facilitations.